Barbeque makes me think about standing around with a paper or plastic plate in my hand, balancing a bunch of stuff I don't really want to eat - at least in those conditions.
But I fondly remember the barbeque parties my Japanese History prof used to have at his place when I was in college in Pisa. When I say "at his place" I mean in the kitchen of his apartment. In winter, with all the windows shut. After a couple of minutes, it was like being in London in the 50s when the fog was brutal and thick and one could barely see his nose.
And the smell!
But we could at least sit around the table and laugh and listen to his tall tales.
Standing around. Balancing paper and plastic plates. And I’d add using “utensils” that are ill-suited to the food. Hahahahah. So very accurate.
Barbeque makes me think about standing around with a paper or plastic plate in my hand, balancing a bunch of stuff I don't really want to eat - at least in those conditions.
But I fondly remember the barbeque parties my Japanese History prof used to have at his place when I was in college in Pisa. When I say "at his place" I mean in the kitchen of his apartment. In winter, with all the windows shut. After a couple of minutes, it was like being in London in the 50s when the fog was brutal and thick and one could barely see his nose.
And the smell!
But we could at least sit around the table and laugh and listen to his tall tales.
Giant butterflies prawns, calamari, vegetables, and perhaps some meat :-). Fabulous neighbours you have there!